Scarborough Public School

Small school, big picture thinking

Telephone02 4267 2153


Scarborough Public School is proud to be a Crunch&Sip school. Crunch&Sip is a set break to eat fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Students re-fuel with fruit or vegetables during the morning or afternoon, assisting physical and mental performance and concentration in the classroom. This gives kids a chance to refuel, a bit like putting petrol in a car. 

Each day students bring fruit or salad vegetables to school to eat in the classroom at a set time. Each child has a small clear bottle of water in the classroom to drink throughout the day to prevent dehydration.

For more information on the Crunch&Sip program, visit their website:

Crunch&Sip Policy

Our Crunch&Sip Policy is available to download in School Policies